Among the nine planets, the sun ☀️ is believed to be the king 👑 and moon 🌒 is said to be the queen. Moon is significator of mother. So today we will discuss the connection between a women and moon in astrology.
# Moon takes 28 days to complete the whole zodiac cycle of 12 signs. So is the case of woman’s menstrual cycle, as the average period of menstrual cycle is also 28 days. (Isn’t everything in our body is in tune with universe!, or say it is the smaller manifestation of universe.)
# As the moon regulates menstruation, it is also considered to be the important planet for motherhood, just like Jupiter.
# Moon is significator (karaka) of mother, feminism. That is the reason why moon governs the 4th house of Kalapurusha chart, the watery sign of cancer ♋️ signs, which shows emotions, mother, motherly love, motherland and peace of mind.
# The moon is the fastest among all planet, which shows agile nature of a female, as it is in most of the cases.
# For better health of uterus and motherhood women should wear toe ring (bichhiya) in the second toe. As veins of second toe has direct connection with uterus. While unmarried girls can wear it in the third toe to ease the menstruation pain.
# Importantly, the toe ring made of silver is mostly preferable, instead of other metals, as silver is governed by the moon and silver has special conducive power to absorb polar energy. Secondly, golden toe ring should totally be avoided as gold is governed by Jupiter.
# Wearing toe ring is also much beneficial to cure the mood swings during menstruation in women. Also, more liquid diet should be considered on the days of ekadashi, purnima and amavashya.
# Our scriptures have always suggested us such scientific methods for our well-being, so take maximum benefit of it, while maintaining the latest fashions and trends.
Dedicated to all women!
Stay blessed... 😇🙏🏻
(I’m not a professional astrologer and I don’t do any chart reading 🙏🏻)
#women #menstruation #menstrualcycle #astrology #moon
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